Operai ritratti all’interno di un asse portaelica per la turbonave REX – 1931. Fototeca della Fondazione Ansaldo – Fondo Ansaldo

About Us

Job Film Days (JFD), an international film festival dedicated to work themes and workers’ rights, was born in Turin in 2020, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Workers’ Statute.

The festival, directed by Annalisa Lantermo, is organized by the Job Film Days Association, and its main goal is the promotion of cultural initiatives that explore work themes through cinema. Particular attention is given to the safeguard and respect of workers’ rights, legality, equal opportunities, safety and health in the workplaces. The festival poses as a meeting ground between work and cinema, to stimulate the reflection on the continuous transformation of the working reality through the expressive force of cinema language.

The fourth edition of Job Film Days, 3-8 October 2023, presents to the audience six days of screenings divided into competitive, non-competitive and focus sections dedicated to specific themes, special events and masterclasses with directors who distinguished themselves for having created movies on work themes.

The two competitive sections are the “Lavoro 2023″ JFD – INAIL Piedmont Movie Award, international contest dedicated to documentaries and fiction cinema which tell different aspects of the work world. The second is “Job for the Future” JFD – Turin Chamber of Commerce Award, a contest reserved to short-films created in the European Union by directors under 40 which tell “emerging” works and the challenges of contemporary work.

The festival is created thanks to the precious collaboration of Museo Nazionale del Cinema. Moreover it also collaborates with a dense network of local, national and international institutions and associations.

In synergy with the festival, to explore new languages and sodalities which could tell the complex and varied work world, Association Job Film Days organizes also an art exhibition, some special events in Vercelli and the writing workshop “From the idea to the subject” on work themes, for video makers and creatives under 35.