Access to the screenings can take place with the purchase of a ticket, free entry or by invitation, as indicated in the programme.
The purchase of tickets for screenings will be possible for the Cinema Massimo online and at the cinema ticket office, for the Greenwich Village Cinema only at the cinema ticket office. For screenings at the Cinema Massimo, the purchase can be made with online presale on the website starting from 7.00 pm on 23 September 2023. Tickets will be available at the box offices of Cinema Massimo and Cinema Greenwich Village starting from 3.30 pm on 3 October and in the following days. With online presale you can purchase tickets for all days of the Festival, only tickets for the day’s screenings can be purchased at the ticket offices.
For the opening and closing evenings of the Festival at Cinema Massimo, entry is reserved for guests, however a quota of tickets will be available for the public and can be purchased using the methods indicated.
Bookings for the meeting with Paolo Mereghetti can be made by writing to: starting from 7pm on 18 September.
Reservations for the screening on 6 October dedicated to schools can be made by writing to:
Via Giuseppe Verdi 18, Torino
Via Po, 30
Via Carlo Alberto 27, Torino
Piazza Teresa Noce
Via Santa Maria, 1
Via Sant’Anselmo, 26
Via Pietro Giannone, 10
Via Giuseppe Verdi, 31
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino
Via del Carmine, 14 Corso Valdocco, 4/A
PALAZZO NUOVO Via Sant’Ottavio, 20 COMPLESSO ALDO MORO Via Sant’Ottavio, 18
Full price: 6 euros – Reduced*: 4 euros Aiace, Arci, military, under 18, others *
Reduced price for university students and over 60s: 3 euros (afternoon shows), 4 euros (evening shows)
10 entries valid until December 31st: 30 euros
Full price: 8 euros – Reduced*: 6 euros Aiace, female and university students Under 26, Over 60, others *
5 entries valid for 6 months: 30 euros / 10 entries valid for 12 months: 60 euros
*Reduced: ACLI Torino, AMNC, ANCR, Associazione Scuole Tecniche San Carlo, Camera di Commercio di Torino, CGIL-CISL-UIL, CNA Torino, E.B.A.P., Enaip Piemonte, ENGIM, Inail Piemonte, Ires Piemonte, Ismel, ITCILO, Job Film Days ETS, Ordine degli Avvocati di Torino, Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro di Torino, Ordine dei Medici di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, RAI Teche, Unione Culturale Franco Antonicelli, Università degli Studi di Torino.
Free. It can be requested from: starting from 18 September and collected on 3 October, from 3pm, at the Festival information desk at Cinema Massimo.
Free for university and polytechnic students participating in the Festival Awards Juries, CineD@ms Turin and the CSC Animation Course, Piedmont headquarters, collaborator of the Festival. It can be requested from starting from 18 September and collected on 3 October, from 3.00 pm, at the Festival information desk at Cinema Massimo.
Free entry. The exhibition will be open from 27 September to 14 October, with the following opening hours: Monday to Friday 9.30-19.00, Saturday 15.00-19.00. The inauguration will be held on September 27th, from 6pm to 9pm.